In my backyard – Thornton Beach

Thornton Beach at the mouth of the Rangitaiki River in the Bay of Plenty is a 30 minute drive from home. There are a few houses and a camp ground and it is a popular fishing and white baiting spot. Yesterday my friend Julie and I took her dog Jim to the beach for a walk. The middle of the school holidays and we had it all to ourselves.

Moutohora (Whale Island), 9km off shore, is a wildlife sanctuary and you need a permit to land.


We walked east along the waters edge and followed the high tide mark on the way back and picked up rubbish.

In less than an hour we filled 4 shopping bags with rubbish.
Schoolboys (look at their caps) planning mischief.


Swans on the lagoon behind the dunes.


  1. the the caption about the schoolboys is funny and nice one! stupid question, which country are you exactly located? glad that you collected rubbish while having a walk at the beach. did you mostly picked up plastic? and the photos and these challenge makes me go to the beach too, soon!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi from New Zealand at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, thanks for visiting,
      We used to call these birds schoolboy terns when we were kids because of their caps and their constant chatter.
      We picked up a lot of cans, shoes and fabric but mostly plastic. It’s a blight and you can’t just walk past it.


  2. I feel the same, good for you to collected rubbish, people should and need to be responsible. The bird capture is so cute. Love the seashore photos. Thank you so much for joining us. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Wendy – love your gravatar by the way… – and welcome! Lovely beaches and your lifestyle is something to envy. My daughter worked for some months with voluntary nature work in NZ many years ago, and we went over there for a whole month as well. I admire your country’s work for nature’s best, and picking up thrash is a very rewarding thing to do. A very thoughtful entry!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Leya. We love it that’s for sure. I think when you live close to nature like we do you appreciate it’s value so much more and might be a bit more willing to step lightly on the earth and leave something for our grand children. We have our challenges in New Zealand around protecting what we have too. But we have a fantastic network of volunteers who get out and do it.
      I’m loving the feel of the Lens Artists community. Thank you for the welcome.


  4. One of the most beautiful coastal areas in NZ. It was the preferred place in the 60s and 70s for hippies and still has a little bit of that vibe about it.


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